professional quality gear for industrial, public safety and amateur radio. Custom built communication transportable systems, wireless networks including 900MHz NLOS, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz as well as VHF, UHF and Satellite connectivity.
Communications … the act or process of communicating.
Experience within the Commercial Land Mobile Communications industry since 1980 along with experience in Amateur Radio operations since 1991. From our experience we continue to find that communications failure is one of the greatest problems facing any organization. With the multitude of different communications systems in use it is very difficult to get adequate information to those who need to have it. Solutions are available that can help your business in the utilization of these technology resources.
Computers … an electronic machine capable of accepting and processing data.
With over 20 years of technical knowledge, ResourceOne has the capability to provide technical support, service, training and solutions to special needs. Resources are available to assist with network applications, design of wire and wireless digital networks.
Networks … a group linked together.
Technology is advancing ever so quickly and the need for interoperability is ever increasing. Through networks the mission can be accomplished. From in-house local networks to global wide area networks that link voice and radio via the Internet.